I have a problem. I'm trying to add my own button inside the grid, but I'm unable to do so.
I couldn't find a way to do this in the documentation, and I'm really struggling with it. I know that I can use the buttons from your core library, but I want to centralize all changes to the buttons in one place. Since I’ll be using this grid in multiple places, I’ve also created a component for the grid.
My Button code:
<script lang="ts">
import type { Snippet } from 'svelte';
interface SvgPath {
d?: string;
stroke_linecap?: 'round' | 'inherit' | 'butt' | 'square';
stroke_linejoin?: 'round' | 'inherit' | 'arcs' | 'miter-clip' | 'miter' | 'bevel';
stroke_width?: string;
interface SvgProps {
class?: string;
xmlns?: string ;
viewBox?: string;
fill?: string;
stroke?: string;
path?: SvgPath[];
interface Props {
type?: 'button' | 'reset' | 'submit';
className?: string;
formaction?: string;
href?: string;
svg?: SvgProps;
buttonText: Snippet;
onclick?: (event: MouseEvent) => void;
arialabel?: string;
let { type, className, formaction, href, buttonText, svg, onclick, arialabel }: Props = $props();
{#if type}
<button {type} class={className}>{@render buttonText()}</button>
{:else if formaction}
<button class={className} {formaction}>{@render buttonText()}</button>
{:else if href}
<a {href} class={className}>
{#if svg}
{#if svg?.path}
{#each svg.path as path}
{@render buttonText()}</a
<button {onclick} class={className} aria-label={arialabel}>{@render buttonText()}</button>
My Grid component:
<script lang="ts">
import { Grid, Tooltip } from 'wx-svelte-grid';
import type { SvelteComponent } from 'svelte';
import Button from './Button.svelte';
type Column = {
id: string;
header: string;
footer: string;
flexgrow?: number;
width?: number;
treetoggle?: boolean;
cell?: SvelteComponent;
type Props = {
data: any[];
columns: Column[];
tree?: boolean;
className?: string;
onRowClick?: (event: any) => void;
api: any;
let { data, columns, tree, onRowClick, api }: Props = $props();
<Tooltip {api} content={Button}>
<Grid {tree} {data} {columns} onClick={onRowClick} bind:this={api} />
Where I use the component:
<script lang="ts">
import type { PageData } from './$types';
import MyGrid from '$lib/components/ui/MyGrid.svelte';
let { data }: { data: PageData } = $props();
let filteredPatients = $state(data.patients);
let treeData = data.patients;
let api;
const treeColumns = [
id: 'patient_name',
header: 'Patient Name',
footer: 'Patient Name',
flexgrow: 1,
treetoggle: true
id: 'patient_phone_number',
header: 'Phone',
footer: 'Phone',
width: 150
id: 'city',
width: 100,
header: 'City',
footer: 'City'
id: 'treatment_type',
width: 150,
header: 'Treatment',
footer: 'Treatment'
id: 'treatment_date',
width: 150,
header: 'Date',
footer: 'Date'
<MyGrid {api} tree={true} data={treeData} columns={treeColumns} />
I have tried several different approaches but same result.
I've started to work with your library today and I really like the way it was done. I hope Grid can be passed to TS in a near future so a lot more devs can use it.
Keep the good work. :)